My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Sunday, December 21, 2008

white christmas

Okay so here in western Washington we do not get that much snow at all......well this week we have been dumped on. yesterday we got about 6 inches...let me clue you in for here that is trouble. The roads are not the best and with a ton of hills here that means a lot of ice...the only thing that is fun about it is that i can stay home and be warm and not worry about driving in it. They did cancel church here and my children got to start the winter break early. They have been out of scholl sinse wednesday and the break shopuld have started tomorrow. Dallin is so funny he thinks that when his hands get cold from the snow that he has freezebite. I have learned that i can not argue with a 4 1/2 year old. Colby is just glad that he does not have to go to school because he says that it is too long. He has all day everyday kindergarten. Keziah and Xander are both chomping at the bit to call their friends from school. Of course they are all ready to open there presents that are under the tree. We get a white christmas this year and that is the first one for the kids they are so excited. Well sone I will get the hang of this blog things and learn how to post more. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Monday, December 15, 2008

getting ready for christmas

As we are getting ready for christmas i relized how much money it costs. I asked my children if they mindded if they did not get to much and they just about went crazy as if i just cut off their arms. Boy are they so not understanding the true meaning of christmas. Colby is asking for whatever he want to be given to him for his birthday in march. When i asked him why he said because Santa Claus does not always give me what i want. Man are children so funny.

This is my attempt to a blog and we will see how well i do at it.