My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Sunday, March 29, 2009


So this week I registered Dallin for Kindergarten. Boy what a chore that was. When I went to get everything ready for it I realized that I did not have his birth certificate. Not good! First I called Dale and asked him if he knew where it may be and of course he did not. But he did ask if I was sure that we had him and I explained that he was hatched. LOL!! I then called the school and asked what to do and was told that his blessing certificate would not work and that I would have to go to the Vital Record office and buy one. Great so now my hour from work would not be long enough. I headed down to the office and paid 20.00 to get his birth certificate. I thought that I was good to go and he could attend school next year. NOT!!! He did not have all of his shots. So right there in the office I mad an appointment for him that day to get his shots. I thought that he only needed to get 2 shots and it turned out that he needed 5 of them. He was not happy. But since he was such a trooper I treated him to ice cream. Now my youngest child will be in school and he has all day kindergarten. Boy am I getting old. All of my kids will be in school next year. How Sad and exciting at the same time!!!!


So this week we are going to talk a long awaited vacation. All day long I have heard from my kids that they would like to leave today. But of course Dale and I have to be responsible adults and work for a few days. I can not wait for some R&R and have fun with some great friends.