My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Friday, April 13, 2012

This past Year or so....

I have been slacking at 0ur blog. So for the update of our family..We recently moved from Washington state to Missouri. Talk about a real adjustment for our family. We went from being in the city to living in the country. We enjoy it though. Dale is still looking for work and continues to be our Rock and Preisthood holder in our home. I just started a job 2 days ago working at a group home taking care of mentally challenged teenagers and youth. Xander turned 13 in January before we moved in March and is very active in scouting and church. His 2nd day at school here he ran into a wire at school and cut his eye and nose. We just got cleared by the Dr here that all is going well with it now. Such a challange for him. He really likes his new quorm here and even though most of the ward here is military he has made several friends.
Keziah turns 12 in June and is very excited to be in Young Womens, and to be able to go to Girls Camp this year. She is my busy body and loves to help others. She wants so bad to be able to babysit and can't wait until she turns 12 so she can. Colby has made the hardest adjustent of all the kids. He is in the 3rd grade and here that is a very hard grade. He struggles each day to have a good day and not to get upset when things seem harder than they were in washington. We have a prayer each morning before he goes to school and he says that it helps him. He is my smarty pants and school has always been easy for him and this is the first time that he has struggled with school. Dallin is my crazy child and adjusts to things very easily. He is so excited to get baptized this year. His baptism is scheduled on Keziah's birthday so that family can make it. I can't believe that my baby is going to be baptized so soon...where has the time gone.

All in all we have had a very productive year and we continue to grow in the gospel of Jesus Christ and work towards our goal to be an eternal family.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Job

So finally after almost 7 years I got a new job. I will be working at St Joseph's Hospital in the Er. I will be still work with medications in a way. When a patient comes in to the ER I will ask them or there family members what meds they are taking and verifying it with the pharmacy that they go to. I will then input the information into the computer and the Drs will be able to make any medications changes if they need to. This is a pilot program just waiting approval from the state board of Pharmacy to make it a permanent position. I will be working one week on and one week off, 70 hours a week. The week may be long but the more time to be able to spend with my family will be priceless. I am so excited to start on Monday. Maybe this way I will be able to update my blog more and not so randomly.

Friday, January 29, 2010


The other day Keziah complains of a headache. I thought nothing of it until I get home from work and is told by my mother-in-law that Keziah is holding the book really close to her face. So I called Keziah to come here and asked her to look at something hanging on the wall and to read it to me and she said that she could not tell what is was saying. Not a good thing. I am planning on taking her to get her eyes checked and she will probably have to get glasses. She is somewhat excited and keeps asking me when I am going to take her. Boy who ever said that kids were cheap are crazy.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So I am really bad at the blog thing and decieded that I should update it since the kids are in bed and Dale is at work. This year all of my children started school and I was really worried about Dallin and his apt to run off and if he would adjust to Kindergarten. Well when we went to back to scholl night to meet the teachers I warned his teacher not to put him by the door for his urge to run out. So on the first day of school I asked him where his desk was and he said, "All the way across the room." Boy was I relieved. All of the kids like thier teachers this year. Xander has a Male teacher which seems to be really good for him and he loves going to school. Not as if he never did but now he is really excited. Keziah has the same teacher that Xander had last year which will be good for her because of her need to chat with her friends and Mrs. Hoover doesn't put up with it. Colby has a new teacher to Harvard this year but he really enjoys it. Dallin and him have the same recess and when Dallin fell and got hurt he ran to Colby. That day Colby says to me, "Mom, I had to miss line up after recess because I had to walk Dallin to his class because he fell off the monkeybars." He was upset but what a good big brother he is to take care of his little brother.

Dale and I have been really busy with work and such. I am learning to make quilts from my mom and that is what I have been doing on my days off for the kids for christmas. Once they are all done I will try to post the photos of them with the kids. I now work in just one Pharmacy and I do enjoy it. It is nice to be home in within 15 minutes of getting off, and not a couple of hours later. The money we save on gas alone is great. The real big bonus is being able to spend more time with the family. Dale has been working alot lately and it is great. He has been really tired from all of the long hours but he really enjoys his job.

Well bye for now and I will try to update the photos soon.

Monday, May 18, 2009


So every family has that one child that is always hurt or sick. So for me that is Colby. 2 weeks ago on Monday he was on Keziah's bed and rolled off and broke his right arm agian. 2 years ago he did the same thing. He was so excited to get the cast this time so he could show it off at school. I am just glad that he has the cast becasue he is so active. Then last thursday he is playing with Keziah and gets the thing wet. He of course does both of these things when Dale and I are at work and the Mother-in-law is watching him. She doesn't really watch them she just either plays on the computer or is watching food network and makes them play in there room be themself. That is another story all together. So need less to say we have a child that has a cast on his arm for 4 weeks. Got to love the accident prone child.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


So this week I registered Dallin for Kindergarten. Boy what a chore that was. When I went to get everything ready for it I realized that I did not have his birth certificate. Not good! First I called Dale and asked him if he knew where it may be and of course he did not. But he did ask if I was sure that we had him and I explained that he was hatched. LOL!! I then called the school and asked what to do and was told that his blessing certificate would not work and that I would have to go to the Vital Record office and buy one. Great so now my hour from work would not be long enough. I headed down to the office and paid 20.00 to get his birth certificate. I thought that I was good to go and he could attend school next year. NOT!!! He did not have all of his shots. So right there in the office I mad an appointment for him that day to get his shots. I thought that he only needed to get 2 shots and it turned out that he needed 5 of them. He was not happy. But since he was such a trooper I treated him to ice cream. Now my youngest child will be in school and he has all day kindergarten. Boy am I getting old. All of my kids will be in school next year. How Sad and exciting at the same time!!!!


So this week we are going to talk a long awaited vacation. All day long I have heard from my kids that they would like to leave today. But of course Dale and I have to be responsible adults and work for a few days. I can not wait for some R&R and have fun with some great friends.