My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Friday, April 13, 2012

This past Year or so....

I have been slacking at 0ur blog. So for the update of our family..We recently moved from Washington state to Missouri. Talk about a real adjustment for our family. We went from being in the city to living in the country. We enjoy it though. Dale is still looking for work and continues to be our Rock and Preisthood holder in our home. I just started a job 2 days ago working at a group home taking care of mentally challenged teenagers and youth. Xander turned 13 in January before we moved in March and is very active in scouting and church. His 2nd day at school here he ran into a wire at school and cut his eye and nose. We just got cleared by the Dr here that all is going well with it now. Such a challange for him. He really likes his new quorm here and even though most of the ward here is military he has made several friends.
Keziah turns 12 in June and is very excited to be in Young Womens, and to be able to go to Girls Camp this year. She is my busy body and loves to help others. She wants so bad to be able to babysit and can't wait until she turns 12 so she can. Colby has made the hardest adjustent of all the kids. He is in the 3rd grade and here that is a very hard grade. He struggles each day to have a good day and not to get upset when things seem harder than they were in washington. We have a prayer each morning before he goes to school and he says that it helps him. He is my smarty pants and school has always been easy for him and this is the first time that he has struggled with school. Dallin is my crazy child and adjusts to things very easily. He is so excited to get baptized this year. His baptism is scheduled on Keziah's birthday so that family can make it. I can't believe that my baby is going to be baptized so soon...where has the time gone.

All in all we have had a very productive year and we continue to grow in the gospel of Jesus Christ and work towards our goal to be an eternal family.